The essence of the international division of labor

One of the basic categories that express the essence and content of international economic relations, is the international division of labor (MRI). All countries of the world one way or another are included in the MRI, it is dictated by the deepening development of the productive forces, which have a huge impact of the technological revolution. The international division of labor radically expands and strengthens the raw material and market base of scientific and technological progress, reducing costs associated with it, and eventually contribute to its acceleration.

Participation in the international division of labor gives countries an additional economic benefit of allowing more fully and at the least cost to meet their needs.
The division of labor - is historically determined system of social labor. It develops as a result of the qualitative differentiation in the development of society.
The division of labor exists in different forms. In the course of international economic relations is studied international division of labor.
The social division of labor, as defined by Marx diverse set of services of a dissected into many different genera, families, subspecies and varieties, in its historical development has passed the following steps:
1) separation of livestock farming;
2) recovering the craft into an independent activity;
3) the allocation of trading as an independent activity.
The international division of labor (MRI) is the highest level of ORT between countries.
The essence of the international division of labor manifests itself in the dialectical unity of the split and merge production process.
The manufacturing process involves the separation and specialization of different types of jobs, as well as their co-operation, interaction. The division of labor is not only a process of breaking, but also as a way to combine work, especially on a global scale.
The international division of labor is the stage of public territorial division of labor between countries. It is based on the specialization of the production of individual countries.
The international division of labor plays an increasing role in the implementation of advanced manufacturing processes in the world economy:
1) provides the relationship between these processes;
2) form the relevant international sectoral and regional-sectoral proportions.
The theory of international division of labor takes its rationale and developed by "classical bourgeois political economy" of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Analyzing MRI, A. Smith in "Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776) argued the need for freedom of trade and business, because, in his view, the various restrictions of freedom of trade prevent further deepening of the division of labor between the regions and whole countries . The destruction of these barriers and the extension of the international exchange should lead to specialization of national economies and the growth of their interdependence, to folding of the global economy.
MPT - the most important material prerequisite for establishing fruitful economic cooperation between states on a global scale, the objective of the productive base., Scientific, technical, commercial relations between all countries of the world, a direct continuation of the social division of labor, the natural result of its development within countries and between them.
Drivers and motivations MRI - the desire of any country, any business entity to obtain benefits from their participation.
The economic effect achieved here, in the most general form to save time, increase productivity. The implementation of this effect also occurs by the use of the law of value, which manifests itself in the differences between the national and international value.
Realization of the benefits of MRI in the international exchange of goods and services ensure that any direct participant under favorable conditions, obtaining the difference between the international and national value of exported goods and services, as well as internal cost savings by avoiding the national production of goods and services due to cheaper imports, which allows

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