Lectures on the Theory of State and Law

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Количество строк:  
Заголовок материала Хиты
1 History and background of a theory of law 5156
2 Function theory of law 4266
3 Methodology Theory of State and Law 4903
4 Ways of improving the practice of law 3095
5 The subject of Theory of State and Law 5339
6 The structure theory of law 4108
7 The objectives and functions of the theory of state and law 4870
8 The system of the theory of state and law 3850
9 Legal category as a means of legal knowledge 3661
10 The concept of the essence, attributes and types of power 3792
11 Essence, features, properties, political and state power 4749
12 Legitimacy and legality of government 5894
13 Conditions, factors and ways of occurrence of the state 3552
14 Causes and forms of occurrence of the state 3508
15 Characteristics of theories of the origin of the state and law 8832
16 Theological theory of the origin of the state 7555
17 The patriarchal theory of the origin of the state 12160
18 Contractual theory of the origin state 4533
19 Organic theory of the origin of state 6938
20 Psychological theory of the origin of the state 4874
21 Patrimonial theory of the origin of the state 4624
22 Irrigation theory of the origin of the state 6210
23 The natural law theory 3841
24 Historical School of Law 3925
25 Sociological School of Law 4063
26 Psychological Theory of Law 5374
27 Normativistskaya Theory of Law 3782
28 The story of law and the way of its formation 3440
29 The origin of the right 3999
30 The concept, features, and properties of the state 4736
31 General characteristics of pre-state period, the authorities 4518
32 The features and characteristics of the social norms of primitive society 3910
33 The essence and social purpose of the state 7043

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