The content of the constitution

The Basic Law has a social and legal content. The social content of the constitution - in specifying its social nature. It is richer in fact, since it reflects the need (basis of the existing system, ie the essence) and random (insignificant, private national specifics of a particular country).

Constitution of Japan and India are similar in their social nature - is the constitution of capitalist society, but the specific social forces in these countries, which determine their development are not the same (in the first case - the big bourgeoisie, in the second - the national bourgeoisie).

Are the same in essence, but different in their social content of the U.S. Constitution and Egypt, Mexico and Pakistan, Brazil and Canada, etc. This was reflected in the above differences of several types of constitutions.

Sometimes given a different classification of foreign constitutions of social content: liberal, etaticheskie and mixed etaticheski-liberal. This classification is somewhat merges with the previous one: the constitution of the democratic countries - liberal, totalitarian - etaticheskie characterized by hypertrophied role of the state. Under the conditions of the transition periods are frequent etaticheski-liberal constitution.

Legal, the legal content of the Constitution - is the legally valid material of which it is composed. It norms guaranteeing the basis of the social system (ownership, organization management of the economy, such as the planned or market economy, the party system, etc.), political system (a form of government form and structure of the state, etc.), basic rights (right to property, the right to labor, freedom of speech, personal integrity, etc.).

Along with the basic provisions of the constitution contains provisions in which these provisions are detailed (eg, parliamentary procedures, some of the powers of local self-government). Legal content of constitutional monarchy is not the same in Belgium (which regulates many relations associated with the throne) and the Republic of France, Japan and the democratic totalitarian North Korea, Italy and developed in Botswana, Africa.

By its nature, the constitution can be democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian. First reflect universal values, achievements in the progressive development of political and legal thought (Italy, Japan, Brazil, etc.).

Authoritarian often proclaim the supremacy of the constitution and the legal privileges of certain classes, social classes, races, ethnic groups in the community, set a fixed party system (usually one-party system, but the 1989 constitution of Nigeria allows two parties, the law of Indonesia - three), downplay the role of the Parliament, restrict the fundamental rights of citizens.

Totalitarian constitution secured the domination of one party, firm party-state system, cult of the leader, the obligatory ideology. Named as the constitutions of totalitarian socialism basic human rights are not

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Constitutional law

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