The features and characteristics of the social norms of primitive society

Public education appeared about five thousand years ago. And the social evolution of man has about 40-50 thousand years. Thus, long before the emergence of the state there were certain forms of human society, social governance, rule, regulation.

The establishment of these social phenomena occur as a natural historical process, and was due to the harsh conditions of human survival, the need to preserve the forms of its social life.

Form of human society at the time was kind of (primitive tribal community), which was an association of people on the basis of kinship, sharing of collective labor, common ownership of the means of labor and the products of the activity. All this determines the equality of the members of the genus and the indivisibility of their interests.

Management originally was by nature a natural self-government: government (a collection of adult members of the family, chiefs, elders, etc.) were included in the object of management, were not alienated from him.

For regulatory system in primitive society characterized by the following features:

1. Natural-natural (as well as the organization of power) the nature and historically conditioned process of formation.

2. The action on the basis of the mechanism of custom.

3. Syncretism indivisibility of primitive norms of morality, religion, ritual, and other standards. (Hence their name - "mononormy," which introduced the Russian ethnographer AI Pershits.)

4. Prescriptions mononorm had predostavitelno-binding nature, have not been regarded as a right or duty, for they were an expression of socially necessary, the natural conditions of human life. Engels wrote about this: "Within the tribal system there is still no difference between rights and duties, for there is no Indian question whether participation in public affairs, vendetta or payment of ransom for her right or duty, such a question would have seemed it is just as absurd as the question of whether eating, sleeping, hunting right or a duty? "(" The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State ", 1884). Member of the kind just did not separate themselves and their interests from the tribal organization and its interests.

5. The dominance prohibitions. Mainly in the form of taboo, that is indisputable ban, the violation of which is punishable by supernatural forces. It is assumed that, historically, was the first to ban incest taboo - consanguineous marriages.

6. The spread only at the generic group (violation of custom - "related business").

7. Regulatory and regulatory significance of myths, sagas, epics, legends, and other forms of artistic social consciousness.

8. Specific sanctions - condemnation of the behavior of the offender from the ancestral group ("public reprimand"), stigma (the expulsion of the tribal community, in which people are "without kith or kin," which was almost equivalent to death). Were also used and the injuries

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