Economic and Law

Patrimonial theory of the origin of the state

The most prominent representative of the patrimonial theory of the origin of the state acts KL Haller. The state, in his view, as the land is privately owned by the ruler. Patrimonial theory explains the origin of the state land ownership. Such rulers lord it over the territory because of its ...

Psychological theory of the origin of the state

Among the most prominent representatives of the psychological theory of the origin of the state can be identified LI Petrazhitsky, G. Tarde, Freud, etc. They are associated with the appearance of statehood with special properties of the human psyche: the need of people power over other people, th ...

Organic theory of the origin of state

Organic theory of the state of origin is widespread in the second half of XIX century. in the writings of Herbert Spencer, Worms, Preiss, etc. It is in this age of science, including humanitarian, experienced the powerful influence of natural selection made by Charles Darwin. It is estimated ...

Contractual theory of the origin state

Contractual theory of the origin state has spread to most logically complete form in the XVII - XVIII centuries. in the works of Hugo Grotius, JJ Rousseau, AN Radishcheva, etc. According to them, the government appears as the product of conscious creation as a result of the contract entered into ...

The patriarchal theory of the origin of the state

The most famous representatives of the patriarchal theory of the origin of the state include the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, English thinker XVII. R. Filmera, Russian sociologist N. Michael and others These scientists justify the fact that people - there is a collective striving for ...

Theological theory of the origin of the state

Theological theory of the origin of the state has spread in the Middle Ages. It is usually considered to be the founder of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274), whose works have become a kind of encyclopedia of Church ideology of the time. In the 1879 encyclical of Pope Leo XIII's teaching of Tho ...

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