Economic and Law

International law and the legal status of the individual

In modern conditions, some of the basics of the legal status of the individual, and in certain aspects, and the citizen (for example, on the electoral law) is largely determined by international law, its principles and norms. The constitutions of many states makes reference to the Universal D ...

The rights and duties of man and citizen

Since the French Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789, most countries in the world have constitutions contain provisions relating to the legal status of both of these entities. Only a totalitarian constitution of the socialist countries, as well as some other totalitarian regimes only talk ab ...

Forms of constitutional сontrol

Constitutional control called prior, when authorized by the authorities give their opinion on the compliance of the Constitution of certain acts before their entry into force. Typically, this control is carried out by the Constitutional Council, which addresses the president or a certain group of ...

Constitutional Control

In socialist countries, the function of the constitutional control (supervision), especially over the constitutionality of laws, have been entrusted to the Parliament itself, and its permanent body (presidium of the supreme representative body, the Council of State, etc.). Sometimes for this purp ...

The concept and importance of constitutional

Legal supremacy of the constitution requires monitoring of its compliance. There are specialized and non-specialized agencies that are required to prevent the application of laws and other acts that are contrary to the Constitution, and in some countries - and prevent? publication. Specialize ...

The classification of constitutions legal grounds

Depending on the form of two different types of constitutions: written and unwritten. Written constitution - it is a special piece of legislation or a few different times often acts (for example, in Finland, Sweden), which officially proclaimed the fundamental laws of this country. Unwritten ...

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